Milbury calls out referees #bruins #nhl
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Former Bruins coach calls out NHL referees

Published May 16, 2024 at 8:24 PM

Former Bruins coach Mike Milbury recently spoke about the poor officiating in this year's NHL playoffs.

Milbury said he understand that a referee cannot always see everything and they will always miss some calls but this year it has been on another level. He added that this has been the worst officiating he has seen in decades.

«It's been the worst officiated playoff season I've seen in decades,» Milbury told the show. «Just been terrible all over the ice. They've missed stuff, (they're) second-guessing themselves, and it leaves the players uncertain about what they can get away with, and it's not a good thing. They're gonna have to look at this as a it's been a failure from the officiating standpoint.»

Clearly it is not just the fans that are noticing all of these issues involving the NHL referees.

It will be interesting to see if the NHL takes action in regards to this problem or continue to leave them alone and hope the problem fixes itself.

Source: NESN: Ex-Bruins Coach Believes NHL Playoff Officiating ‘Worst' In Decades
May 16   |   177 answers
Former Bruins coach calls out NHL referees

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